U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Guidelines
Tuberculosis Technical Instructions for Civil Surgeons https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/exams/ti/civil/tuberculosis-civil-technical-instructions.html
Tuberculosis Technical Instructions for Civil Surgeons https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/exams/ti/civil/tuberculosis-civil-technical-instructions.html
ATS/IDSA/CDC Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Diagnosis of TB in Adults and Children https://www.thoracic.org/statements/resources/tb-opi/diagnosis-of-tuberculosis-in-adults-and-children.PDF
Author: Rishi Desai, MD, MPH, Pediatric Infectious Disease Attending, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California; Chief Medical Officer, Osmosis A comprehensive overview of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an engaging educational video from Osmosis. To view the video, visit the Osmosis website at https://www.osmosis.org/learn/Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_(Tuberculosis). Please note: Osmosis does not support Internet Explorer. Recommended browsers include Google Chrome, Firefox, … Read more
The WHO Global TB Programme “aims to advance universal access to TB prevention, care and control, guide the global response to threats, and promote innovation all toward the goal of global elimination of TB as a public health problem.”
STOP TB USA states their mission is to “eliminate TB as a public health threat in the US” and their vison is vision to “strengthen TB prevention, care and control in the US”.
The NTCA has the mission “to protect the public’s health by advancing the elimination of tuberculosis in the US through the concerted action of state, local and territorial programs.” Click on the link below to learn more about their activities and current workgroups and events.http://www.tbcontrollers.org/
Do you have a question about the TB control activities and guidelines in your state or territory? Click the link below to access a list of the TB Control Offices in the US states and territories. https://www.cdc.gov/tb/links/tboffices.htm
The CDC is the nation’s health protection agency. The CDC’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE) has the stated mission “to promote health and quality of life by preventing, controlling, and eventually eliminating tuberculosis in the United States.” The DTBE has created a number of TB resources to provide TB education to healthcare providers, from infographics … Read more