Click below to hear recorded Q&A audio for each question from our live webcast audience.
The first question for Dr. McLellan is: We’ve tried to engage employees with LTBI with the recommended treatment, but it didn’t take. Do you have additional recommendations that you can offer?
The next question is relevant to employee health as well, for Dr. McLellan. I’m a nurse in a small, rural hospital and I manage our institution’s employee health program. I refer HCPs with LTBI to their primary care provider for management, but not all primary care providers seem comfortable with current treatment recommendations, and our employees tend not to follow up with this referral. What do you recommend we do?
Our next question from the audience is for Dr. Altomare. How do you decide if there is a TB exposure?
Our next question is for Dr. Talbot. We have been using the TST in occupational medicine. Should we move to the IGRA?
The next question follows that. On-hire testing with TST – is this a one-step?